How I became obssessed with Donkey Kong

So I was on one of more favorite website for reading up on the latest advances in society, okay maybe some of the stories are little out of this world. However, I began to think about why this is such a popular site and what they bring to the table as a media outlet. I never really got the chance to be all engrossed into the world of video games. As a matter of fact my first system as outdated when I got and that was the Atari 2600, which by that time was replaced by Coleco Vision, Commodore 64, and this two machines Sega and Nintendo.


this was what in knew to be the Atari 2600 (found in writing this article that it was referred to as the Jr.)

Okay so what am I rambling on about? Well while on reading on my favorite site, I came across a particular story and it happen to be about the world’s 13th best Donkey Kong player. What’s awesome about this was that when I got my second gaming console in my early 30’s that was the Nintendo Wii. What was interesting was that I only bought games that reminded me of my childhood such as Pac man, Metal Slug and of course Donkey Kong (I got every new variation). I would of course got much newer games, well only FIFA as I am an avid football (soccer being in the US and all) fan, but I always went back to Donkey Kong. This was a game of problem solving at its best, and reaching to the highest level and even beating the game would be such a monumental task. What I would love research on was what the minds of these “super” individuals would be like? Most interest I would think.

I believe that the answer to solving the massive puzzle in Donkey Kong can be loan to solving the revitalization of our decaying cities like Detroit. However, you will have to tune at another time to find out what I mean by that. In the mean time please enjoy this short courtesy of  The Verge.

The world’s 13th best Donkey Kong player has something to prove.

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