Learning to exercise the brain by playing chess.

So everyone ask why are you so obsess with playing chess, the truth is that I like anything that let’s me stretch my brains “walking legs”. Chess is just one of those strategic mind bogglers that is both addictive to play. For me I’ve won some games and I’ve lost quite a few as well but right now I realize it’s because I quick to play and not focused on the game.

Like this current game I’m playing on line with a friend of mine (he’s one own that last 4 games straight, what can I say it’s been a very hectic month). This game could either way if one of us makes a mistake right now (which I already made).


However, it important and maybe it’s just the competitor inside me that keeps me going back to wanting to do win and makes my brain work that much harder and pushes me to be more open and plan even further a head.

For those of you who what to learn how to play chess, you are welcome to follow me and learn the basics as well as how open up your mind to winning at this awesome game. Here is a link via Wikipedia as to basics in starting out on playing chess.

learning how to play chess

Join me here as I will also be upload screenshots of my on going games and you can comment on game style as well as challenges you notice each player facing off has. I’m hoping that I’ll be able have challenging gameplay from other readers of this blog as well. Until next time

-the flawed designer